digitally enhanced, sensible, innovative and ecological solutions for the 21st century.
spatial design, engineering and urbanism
We are an international group that started this practice merging our broad and holistic interests.
Trained in architecture, urbanism and engineering, our skills and work have greatly expanded beyond that, mixing design with coding and looking to technology and sustainability, while tackling social issues.
From lo-tech self-construction with recycled materials, to high-tech algorithms that build on their own, we have created a wide array of projects that embrace many fields.
Please have a look at our work and explore some of our projects.
Part of our work has always been dedicated to building with the local community, sharing our knowledge, and creating dedicated pieces around the world that healed the environment they are placed in.
We stay in contact with the materials and often build with a hands-on approach, trying to deploy local resources with minimal impact.
A lot of our work is done using reclaimed wood in conversation with other up cycled materials.
For us, technology is part of the answer, so we integrate tools from computational design and analysis to algorithms to help us provide the most informed, customised and sustainable option.
We use environmental design to reduce the impact of our buildings and adapt it perfectly to the context.
We design algorithms that optimise processes and generate solutions, taking into account multiple complex parameters.
Finally, we use digital fabrication to bring everything to life.
How can we collaborate?
If you are a private client looking for a design/architecture project, please click here to check out some of our projects and services.
If you are a firm or institution looking for a consulting collaboration, an investigation project or a special commission, please click on what interests you to find out how we can collaborate.
Contact us.
Calle Gran Via 69, 503
28013 Madrid, Spain
You are in good hands. Bellow are some of the companies and institution that have collaborated with us: