We believe in sharing. So we are active in academia, teaching in universities of architecture, design and ecology. Teaching has enriched our design process and viceversa.
Our team has been teaching in universities and giving lectures and workshops around the world since we began our practice.
We like to teach about ecology, digital logics and social sensibilities applied to untangling and solving contemporary issues.
If you are interested in knowing our full academic resume, please contact us.
These are our active course at the moment:
Ruxandra Iancu Bratosin is the professor for “Design skills” and “Programming for Designers” in IE School of Architecture and Design, “Prototyping and Spaces for Innovation” in IE Business School and “Urban Ecology” in IE University.
Alessandro Mattoccia is the professor for “Architectural geometry 1&2” and “Mathematics 2” in IE School of Architecture and Design.
Rodrigo Rubio Cuadrado is the professor for “Fabrication Technologies” in IE School of Architecture and Design and “Design Studio” at UC Berkley College of Environmental Design.
Bellow you can find some photos of student work developed in courses led by us.